Cassandra Craddock


Personal Trainer and Fitness Model


6 x 1st First Place Medals at the ICN Rookie & Rising Star Show 2018, including 

Overall Fitness Model & Overall Sports Model 2018

Tell us a bit about you and your journey…

I grew up on a farm in the country where we didn’t have any TV or computers for most of my childhood, so my brother and I entertained ourselves outdoors with the animals among nature. I played lots of different sports growing up, and I did very well in school and then went to uni to become a Primary Teacher. Halfway through my degree I had to drop out when my mental health deteriorated rapidly from stress and anxiety due to too many commitments at work, school, relationships etc. I went through a very dark time and had to move back to my parents where I started my journey of recovery and self-realisation through spending time in the ocean, learning to surf, going for walks and doing yoga. I gradually realised fitness, movement and nutrition were imperative keys to my health and well-being and I enrolled in a Cert 3 & 4 in Fitness to become a Personal Trainer, where I have been working for the past few years. I have always loved eating healthy and became curious about plant-based diets so gradually step by step cut back on animal products and now have been 100% vegan for the past 3 years. I haven’t looked back.

What is your proudest moment thus far?

My proudest moment was definitely winning the Overall Fitness & Overall Sports Model Trophy’s at the ICN Show in 2018. It was my first ever Fitness Modelling Competition, and I was so nervous and had no idea how I would place, and I ended up taking out first place in every category I entered that day. I was over the moon!

Tell us about your morning routine

I like to wake up quite early, around 5 or 6am and start my day with a big glass of fresh water and  lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to hydrate. I then will spend 10-30 minutes doing a yoga flow to warm up my body (depending on how much time I have) before I sit for 5-10 minutes in silent Meditation and/or gratitude and think of everything I am grateful for in my life at that moment. Once this is done I usually have a cup of brewed coffee or green tea and then head outside for a walk or jog in the sunshine to get some Vitamin D, and then I’ll make a nutritious breakfast to fuel my day - usually a green smoothie, chia pudding or overnight

What’s your favourite PranaOn product?

My fave is the Himalayan Salted Caramel Power Plant Protein

What’s your favourite way to use it or incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle, and why?

I love to make it into a rich post-workout smoothie with banana, coconut milk and almond butter blended together into a rich, creamy & delicious drink! Or make it into a nutritious smoothie bowl with added cacao powder and toppings of coconut flakes, buckinis and cacao nibs for that extra chocolatey-ness :)

Tell us something interesting about yourself or a hidden talent

I am also a performing acoustic singer/songwriter and play guitar, piano & ukulele. I love to play cover songs of Angus & Julia Stone, Xavier Rudd & Sarah Blasko.

Any superstitions?

Nope...only that if you dream big, you might actually achieve it :) 

Do you prefer training in the morning or evening?

Definitely morning...I’m very much a morning person and often find if I leave my training until later in the day I just lack the energy to do it any justice. 

Where can we find you on a Saturday?

If I’m not working, I love to use my spare time to go on a bigger adventure such as an outdoor hike, rock climbing or a road trip to the beach for a surf and sunshine. Other than that I tend to spend a lot of my spare time food prepping, or at the moment attempting to grow a veggie garden! I’ve also been trying to learn to fire twirl and have been practicing with my Poi whenever I can. 

What’s on the horizon for you?

I want to get back on the competition stage in the future at some point, so am working on my physique and strength whilst also saving to go overseas to South America next year. I am looking into further study in Nutrition and Massage, as well as improving my social media presence and maybe getting some more YouTube videos up. I also want to do my Yoga Teacher Training when finance and time allows...My life is always a work in progress physically, spiritually, mentally and I’m always pushing to get better in every area and further my progress. 

Favourite motto to live by:

Your only competition is your own potential.

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