
What is Pre-Workout and Do You need it?

Are you seeing people proudly promoting and using pre-workouts but you're wondering if this is for you and if you really need it? Find out if you could benefit from this supplement.

Winter is here... is your immune system ready?

Let's take a look at how Super Greens can help support your overall health and wellbeing this Winter.

How to: Turn a resolution into a habit.

With the new year comes the typical resolutions. You know, the “new year new you” kind of stuff. The time of soaring gym memberships and broken weight loss promises. Unfortunately...

Get Fit For Life, Not Just For Summer!

Our top 7 tips to help re-set your body and feel beach ready all year ‘round! Health & fitness quick fixes only provide you with temporary results, commitment to any...

Train with the intensity of a UFC fighter!

It’s no easy feat getting to the pinnacle of your sport and for MMA athletes making it to the UFC is no exception. Training and competing at this level requires...

Jeff Leech’s latest expedition to Nepal as an AAA group leader

Tell us a bit about your trip to Nepal? I went to Nepal as a group leader for a not for profit organisation called Aussie Action Abroad (AAA). This was my fourth...

The Ultimate Prana On Chocolate Protein Icecream

Ingredients 1 cup of coconut crème or milk 1 ripe avocado 2 tbsp. of cacao powder 1 scoop of Power Plant Protein (rich chocolate works best) 2 tbsp. of unhulled...

Prana On Vegan Vanilla Choc-Chip Protein Pancakes with Chia-berry Jam

Pancake ingredients  1/2 cup quinoa flour (or choice of other gluten-free flour) 1 scoop of Prana On Power Plant Protein in your choice of flavour 1 TBSP of Cacao powder 1/4 cup...

The Effects of 8 Weeks of Whey or Rice Protein Supplementation on Body Composition and Exercise Performance

Excerpt taken from the Nutritional Journal Abstract Background Consumption of moderate amounts of animal-derived protein has been shown to differently influence skeletal muscle hypertrophy during resistance training when compared with...