6 health hacks to energise your life

Say goodbye to cliché juice cleanses or extreme diets that start with a bang early in the year but fizzle out just as fast. This year is all about healthy living and sustainable energy all year round, and we’ve got some simple health hacks to keep you going. Here’s to an energised year and kicking goals in 2019! 

First things first, let’s address several energy killers that almost all of us are likely to experience at some point: 

  • Stress 
  • Poor hydration 
  • Poor nutrition 
  • Insufficient or poor quality sleep 
  • Lack of exercise 
  • Too much time on technology

Try these health hacks for abundant energy:

Wake up and move

After a good night’s sleep, rise with the sun and move your body in whichever way nourishes your soul! It gets the blood moving sending fresh oxygen around your body, kick starts your metabolism and gives you a welcomed endorphin and mood boost. Some of our favourites: a walk outdoors, weightlifting, yoga, kickboxing, running, pilates or crossfit. 

Eat smaller, more regular meals

Studies show that frequent smaller meals are less taxing on the digestive system. They keep your metabolism humming along, ward off hunger pains and control your blood sugar levels to keep those cravings at bay. Being prepared with fresh healthy meals and snacks is key to feeling satisfied and avoiding overly processed or sugar-laden foods. Prep fresh salads, roast veggies with tofu or soups for savoury meals, and try protein smoothies or protein balls for healthy snacks. 

Eat more plants

It is proven that plant-based eating results in reduced inflammation, lowered risk of heart disease and is beneficial for gut health! Plant-based meals are faster and easier for the digestive system to process, meaning less bloating and sluggish energy. Aim for a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables for optimal nutrition and best results. 

Up your protein

A protein supplement such as PranaOn is ideal to fill in nutrient gaps in your diet, provide a protein punch and boost your metabolism. These comprehensive blends help stabilise your blood sugar levels which allow for a steady source of fuel. More so, while it is important to consume a balanced diet that includes all macronutrients including carbs, protein and fat, it is proven that compared to carbohydrates and fat, protein has a more effective thermic effect and therefore is a greater metabolism booster. Consuming sufficient protein is also known to act as an appetite suppressant and promote feelings of satiety. 

Eat smart fats

EPA & DHA omega 3s are known to be cardioprotective nutrients. This means that consuming these fatty acids reduces the likely hood of cardiac arrest and can boost cardio fitness capabilities. More so, they boost brain health and are essential for rebuilding and producing new cells within the body. Flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp and walnuts are all great sources. 

Less tech, more nature

These days we are spending excessive time in front of screens. Many of us sit in front of computers or on phones at work, and then go home and end up spending hours watching tv or scrolling social media. This exposure to artificial light and stimulus disrupts our natural sleep and energy patterns, and therefore, negatively impacts our health. Try to limit your screen time and spend more time in nature to centre and ground yourself.

Power Naps

Yes, you heard us, a sneaky siesta can do wonders for your health! According to research a 20-30 minute nap can help improve mood, alertness and performance. So if you can, squeeze in some shut eye to rejuvenate your body and mind.

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